Ethical Production

We strongly believe that fashion shouldn't cause pain or suffering to people or animals. Sadly, that's far from the reality of the fashion industry and we're doing what we can to change that. Our founder, Vicki, also runs The Fashion Business Coach, a platform which educates fashion brands on the 'dark side; of fashion and helps them to find better alternatives. Alongside this, Vicki also is a writer and contributes to various websites and media, highlighting change that needs to happen within this industry. Stay tuned on social media and the blog for articles and news on this topic. 

At Ekagi, we make sure that all of our products are made in safe working environments and that workers are paid a living wage. In many countries, the minimum wage is not enough for workers to cover basic living expenses, so it's important to look past this and refer to the living wage, which reflects the wage that's needed to live in the area where the worker is located. 

We also are strong campaigners for the ethical treatment of animals and therefore try to make our products vegan wherever possible, as it can be hard to trace the origin of animal products. On some occasions the product may have animal derived ingredients, for example in the fabric dye. If this is the case, the product details will tell you more about the specifics of this and how we've traced it. 

Whats the latest? Find out by following us on Instagram, here.

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Our fundraising tees. Click here to shop.


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